by vikaskunnure | Dec 20, 2022 | Business, Professional Overview, Vikas Kunnure
Contrary to popular belief, most startup founders are not natural-born leaders. Instead, many take on leadership roles without developing the skills necessary to lead. This makes it incredibly difficult for them to influence others. While there are many leadership...
by vikaskunnure | Nov 9, 2022 | Hair Surgery, Professional Overview, Surgery, Vikas Kunnure
What is a hair transplant Hair transplantation is a surgical technique of transplanting hair follicles to bald areas. Harvesting follicles from the back of the scalp, sideburns, or other parts of the body and implanted into bald areas. Procedure to Have surgically...
by vikaskunnure | Oct 10, 2022 | Business, Professional Overview, Vikas Kunnure
The salary that you were once happy with just doesn’t do it for you anymore. The new you is more skilled, capable, and motivated and would like to be paid accordingly. However, you just aren’t sure whether the timing is right to bring forth the big ask. To...
by vikaskunnure | Sep 12, 2022 | Business, Professional Overview, Vikas Kunnure
Attaining a successful career requires time and effort. Most people who have achieved their dream careers started from junior positions and rise gradually. What a person does now in terms of career improvement will determine where they will be in the next couple of...
by vikaskunnure | Aug 11, 2022 | Business, Professional Overview, Vikas Kunnure
There is no silver bullet for earning a promotion in the workplace. For most people, it is a long process that requires dedication and hard work. However, there are specific key strategies that can help to put you on the path to success. Here are a few tips on how to...